
264 lines
7.5 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
@author: 温进
@time: 2023/11/16 下午3:15
import time
from loguru import logger
from import ConnectionPool
from nebula3.Config import Config
class NebulaHandler:
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, username: str, password: str = '', space_name: str = ''):
init nebula connection_pool
@param host: host
@param port: port
@param username: username
@param password: password
config = Config()
self.connection_pool = ConnectionPool()
self.connection_pool.init([(host, port)], config)
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.space_name = space_name
def execute_cypher(self, cypher: str, space_name: str = ''):
@param space_name: space_name, if provided, will execute use space_name first
@param cypher:
with self.connection_pool.session_context(self.username, self.password) as session:
if space_name:
cypher = f'USE {space_name};{cypher}'
resp = session.execute(cypher)
return resp
def close_connection(self):
def create_space(self, space_name: str, vid_type: str, comment: str = ''):
create space
@param space_name: cannot startwith number
cypher = f'CREATE SPACE IF NOT EXISTS {space_name} (vid_type={vid_type}) comment="{comment}";'
resp = self.execute_cypher(cypher)
return resp
def show_space(self):
cypher = 'SHOW SPACES'
resp = self.execute_cypher(cypher)
return resp
def drop_space(self, space_name):
cypher = f'DROP SPACE {space_name}'
return self.execute_cypher(cypher)
def create_tag(self, tag_name: str, prop_dict: dict = {}):
创建 tag
@param tag_name: tag 名称
@param prop_dict: 属性字典 {'prop 名字': 'prop 类型'}
cypher = f'CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS {tag_name}'
cypher += '('
for k, v in prop_dict.items():
cypher += f'{k} {v},'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ')'
cypher += ';'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return res
def show_tags(self):
查看 tag
cypher = 'SHOW TAGS'
resp = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return resp
def insert_vertex(self, tag_name: str, value_dict: dict):
insert vertex
@param tag_name:
@param value_dict: {'properties_name': [], values: {'vid':[]}} order should be the same in properties_name and values
cypher = f'INSERT VERTEX {tag_name} ('
properties_name = value_dict['properties_name']
for property_name in properties_name:
cypher += f'{property_name},'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ') VALUES '
for vid, properties in value_dict['values'].items():
cypher += f'"{vid}":('
for property in properties:
if type(property) == str:
cypher += f'"{property}",'
cypher += f'{property}'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += '),'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ';'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return res
def create_edge_type(self, edge_type_name: str, prop_dict: dict = {}):
创建 tag
@param edge_type_name: tag 名称
@param prop_dict: 属性字典 {'prop 名字': 'prop 类型'}
cypher = f'CREATE EDGE IF NOT EXISTS {edge_type_name}'
cypher += '('
for k, v in prop_dict.items():
cypher += f'{k} {v},'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ')'
cypher += ';'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return res
def show_edge_type(self):
查看 tag
cypher = 'SHOW EDGES'
resp = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return resp
def drop_edge_type(self, edge_type_name: str):
cypher = f'DROP EDGE {edge_type_name}'
return self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
def insert_edge(self, edge_type_name: str, value_dict: dict):
insert edge
@param edge_type_name:
@param value_dict: value_dict: {'properties_name': [], values: {(src_vid, dst_vid):[]}} order should be the
same in properties_name and values
cypher = f'INSERT EDGE {edge_type_name} ('
properties_name = value_dict['properties_name']
for property_name in properties_name:
cypher += f'{property_name},'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ') VALUES '
for (src_vid, dst_vid), properties in value_dict['values'].items():
cypher += f'"{src_vid}"->"{dst_vid}":('
for property in properties:
if type(property) == str:
cypher += f'"{property}",'
cypher += f'{property}'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += '),'
cypher = cypher.rstrip(',')
cypher += ';'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return res
def set_space_name(self, space_name):
self.space_name = space_name
def add_host(self, host: str, port: str):
add host
cypher = f'ADD HOSTS {host}:{port}'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher)
return res
def get_stat(self):
submit_cypher = 'SUBMIT JOB STATS;'
self.execute_cypher(cypher=submit_cypher, space_name=self.space_name)
stats_cypher = 'SHOW STATS;'
stats_res = self.execute_cypher(cypher=stats_cypher, space_name=self.space_name)
res = {'vertices': -1, 'edges': -1}
stats_res_dict = self.result_to_dict(stats_res)
for idx in range(len(stats_res_dict['Type'])):
t = stats_res_dict['Type'][idx].as_string()
name = stats_res_dict['Name'][idx].as_string()
count = stats_res_dict['Count'][idx].as_int()
if t == 'Space' and name in res:
res[name] = count
return res
def get_vertices(self, tag_name: str = '', limit: int = 10000):
get all vertices
if tag_name:
cypher = f'''MATCH (v:{tag_name}) RETURN v LIMIT {limit};'''
cypher = f'MATCH (v) RETURN v LIMIT {limit};'
res = self.execute_cypher(cypher, self.space_name)
return self.result_to_dict(res)
def result_to_dict(self, result) -> dict:
build list for each column, and transform to dataframe
assert result.is_succeeded()
columns = result.keys()
d = {}
for col_num in range(result.col_size()):
col_name = columns[col_num]
col_list = result.column_values(col_name)
d[col_name] = [x for x in col_list]
return d