# encoding: utf-8 ''' @author: 温进 @file: code.py.py @time: 2023/10/23 下午5:31 @desc: ''' import streamlit as st import os import time import traceback from typing import Literal, Dict, Tuple from st_aggrid import AgGrid, JsCode from st_aggrid.grid_options_builder import GridOptionsBuilder import pandas as pd from configs.model_config import embedding_model_dict, kbs_config, EMBEDDING_MODEL, DEFAULT_VS_TYPE, WEB_CRAWL_PATH from .utils import * from dev_opsgpt.utils.path_utils import * from dev_opsgpt.service.service_factory import get_cb_details, get_cb_details_by_cb_name from dev_opsgpt.orm import table_init # SENTENCE_SIZE = 100 cell_renderer = JsCode("""function(params) {if(params.value==true){return '✓'}else{return '×'}}""") def file_exists(cb: str, selected_rows: List) -> Tuple[str, str]: ''' check whether the dir exist in local file return the dir's name and path if it exists. ''' if selected_rows: file_name = selected_rows[0]["code_name"] file_path = get_file_path(cb, file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): return file_name, file_path return "", "" def code_page(api: ApiRequest): # 判断表是否存在并进行初始化 table_init() try: logger.info(get_cb_details()) cb_list = {x["code_name"]: x for x in get_cb_details()} except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) st.error("获取知识库信息错误,请检查是否已按照 `README.md` 中 `4 知识库初始化与迁移` 步骤完成初始化或迁移,或是否为数据库连接错误。") st.stop() cb_names = list(cb_list.keys()) if "selected_cb_name" in st.session_state and st.session_state["selected_cb_name"] in cb_names: selected_cb_index = cb_names.index(st.session_state["selected_cb_name"]) else: selected_cb_index = 0 def format_selected_cb(cb_name: str) -> str: if cb := cb_list.get(cb_name): return f"{cb_name} ({cb['code_path']})" else: return cb_name selected_cb = st.selectbox( "请选择或新建代码知识库:", cb_names + ["新建代码知识库"], format_func=format_selected_cb, index=selected_cb_index ) if selected_cb == "新建代码知识库": with st.form("新建代码知识库"): cb_name = st.text_input( "新建代码知识库名称", placeholder="新代码知识库名称,不支持中文命名", key="cb_name", ) file = st.file_uploader("上传代码库 zip 文件", ['.zip'], accept_multiple_files=False, ) submit_create_kb = st.form_submit_button( "新建", use_container_width=True, ) if submit_create_kb: # unzip file logger.info('files={}'.format(file)) if not cb_name or not cb_name.strip(): st.error(f"知识库名称不能为空!") elif cb_name in cb_list: st.error(f"名为 {cb_name} 的知识库已经存在!") elif file.type not in ['application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed']: logger.error(f"{file.type}") st.error('请先上传 zip 文件,再新建代码知识库') else: ret = api.create_code_base( cb_name, file, no_remote_api=True ) st.toast(ret.get("msg", " ")) st.session_state["selected_cb_name"] = cb_name st.experimental_rerun() elif selected_cb: cb = selected_cb # 知识库详情 cb_details = get_cb_details_by_cb_name(cb) if not len(cb_details): st.info(f"代码知识库 `{cb}` 中暂无信息") else: logger.info(cb_details) st.write(f"代码知识库 `{cb}` 加载成功,中含有以下信息:") st.write('代码知识库 `{}` 代码文件数=`{}`'.format(cb_details['code_name'], cb_details.get('code_file_num', 'unknown'))) st.write('代码知识库 `{}` 知识图谱节点数=`{}`'.format(cb_details['code_name'], cb_details['code_graph_node_num'])) st.divider() cols = st.columns(3) if cols[2].button( "删除知识库", use_container_width=True, ): ret = api.delete_code_base(cb, no_remote_api=True) st.toast(ret.get("msg", " ")) time.sleep(1) st.experimental_rerun()