# Local Privatization/Large Model Interface Access Leveraging open-source LLMs (Large Language Models) and Embedding models, this project enables offline private deployment based on open-source models. In addition, the project supports the invocation of OpenAI API. ## Local Privatization Model Access
Example of model address configuration, modification of the model_config.py configuration: ```bash # Recommendation: Use Hugging Face models, preferably the chat models, and avoid using base models, which may not produce correct outputs. # Note: When both `llm_model_dict` and `VLLM_MODEL_DICT` are present, the model configuration in `VLLM_MODEL_DICT` takes precedence. # Example of `llm_model_dict` configuration: # 1. If the model is placed under the ~/codefuse-chatbot/llm_models path # Suppose the model address is as follows model_dir: ~/codefuse-chatbot/llm_models/THUDM/chatglm-6b # The reference configuration is as follows llm_model_dict = { "chatglm-6b": { "local_model_path": "THUDM/chatglm-6b", "api_base_url": "http://localhost:8888/v1", # "name"修改为fastchat服务中的"api_base_url" "api_key": "EMPTY" } } VLLM_MODEL_DICT = { 'chatglm2-6b': "THUDM/chatglm-6b", } # or If the model address is as follows model_dir: ~/codefuse-chatbot/llm_models/chatglm-6b llm_model_dict = { "chatglm-6b": { "local_model_path": "chatglm-6b", "api_base_url": "http://localhost:8888/v1", # "name"修改为fastchat服务中的"api_base_url" "api_key": "EMPTY" } } VLLM_MODEL_DICT = { 'chatglm2-6b': "chatglm-6b", } # 2. If you do not wish to move the model to ~/codefuse-chatbot/llm_models # Also, delete the related code below `Model Path Reset`, see model_config.py for details. # Suppose the model address is as follows model_dir: ~/THUDM/chatglm-6b # The reference configuration is as follows llm_model_dict = { "chatglm-6b": { "local_model_path": "your personl dir/THUDM/chatglm-6b", "api_base_url": "http://localhost:8888/v1", # "name"修改为fastchat服务中的"api_base_url" "api_key": "EMPTY" } } VLLM_MODEL_DICT = { 'chatglm2-6b': "your personl dir/THUDM/chatglm-6b", } ``` ```bash # 3. Specify the model service to be launched, keeping both consistent LLM_MODEL = "chatglm-6b" LLM_MODELs = ["chatglm-6b"] ``` ```bash # Modification of server_config.py configuration, if LLM_MODELS does not have multiple model configurations, no additional settings are needed. # Modify the configuration of server_config.py#FSCHAT_MODEL_WORKERS "model_name": {'host': DEFAULT_BIND_HOST, 'port': 20057} ```
量化模型接入 ```bash # If you need to support the codellama-34b-int4 model, you need to patch fastchat cp examples/gptq.py ~/site-packages/fastchat/modules/gptq.py # If you need to support the qwen-72b-int4 model, you need to patch fastchat cp examples/gptq.py ~/site-packages/fastchat/modules/gptq.py # Quantization requires modification of the llm_api.py configuration # Uncomment `kwargs["gptq_wbits"] = 4` in examples/llm_api.py#559 ``` ## Public Large Model Interface Access ```bash # Modification of model_config.py configuration # ONLINE_LLM_MODEL # Other interface development comes from the langchain-chatchat project, untested due to lack of relevant accounts. # Specify the model service to be launched, keeping both consistent LLM_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo" LLM_MODELs = ["gpt-3.5-turbo"] ``` 外部大模型接口接入示例 ```bash # 1. Implement a new model access class # Refer to ~/examples/model_workers/openai.py#ExampleWorker # Implementing the do_chat function will enable the use of LLM capabilities class XXWorker(ApiModelWorker): def __init__( self, *, controller_addr: str = None, worker_addr: str = None, model_names: List[str] = ["gpt-3.5-turbo"], version: str = "gpt-3.5", **kwargs, ): kwargs.update(model_names=model_names, controller_addr=controller_addr, worker_addr=worker_addr) kwargs.setdefault("context_len", 16384) #TODO 16K模型需要改成16384 super().__init__(**kwargs) self.version = version def do_chat(self, params: ApiChatParams) -> Dict: ''' 执行Chat的方法,默认使用模块里面的chat函数。 :params.messages : [ {"role": "user", "content": "hello"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "hello"} ] :params.xx: 详情见 ApiChatParams 要求返回形式:{"error_code": int, "text": str} ''' return {"error_code": 500, "text": f"{self.model_names[0]}未实现chat功能"} # Finally, complete the registration in ~/examples/model_workers/__init__.py # from .xx import XXWorker # 2. Complete access through an existing model access class # Or directly use the existing relevant large model class for use (lacking relevant account testing, community contributions after testing are welcome) ``` ```bash # Modification of model_config.py#ONLINE_LLM_MODEL configuration # Enter exclusive model details: version, api_base_url, api_key, provider (consistent with the class name above) ONLINE_LLM_MODEL = { # Online models. Please set different ports for each online API in server_config. "openai-api": { "model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "api_base_url": "https://api.openai.com/v1", "api_key": "", "openai_proxy": "", }, "example": { "version": "gpt-3.5", # Using openai interface as an example "api_base_url": "https://api.openai.com/v1", "api_key": "", "provider": "ExampleWorker", }, } ``` ## Launching Large Model Services ```bash # start llm-service (optional) - Launch the large model service separately python examples/llm_api.py ``` ```bash # Test import openai # openai.api_key = "EMPTY" # Not support yet openai.api_base = "" # Select the model you launched model = "example" # create a chat completion completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello! What is your name? "}], max_tokens=100, ) # print the completion print(completion.choices[0].message.content) # Once the correct output is confirmed, LLM can be accessed normally. ``` or ```bash # model_config.py#USE_FASTCHAT - Determine whether to integrate local models via fastchat USE_FASTCHAT = "gpt" not in LLM_MODEL python start.py #221 Automatically executes python llm_api.py ```